Clinics & Services

Douglas Street Treatment Room

Lanarkshire Health Board provides treatment room services through a single, central clinic located in Douglas Street, Hamilton. All treatment room care such as stitch removal, ear syringing, dressings, injections and wound care is provided through this site. The telephone number for the Douglas Street Clinic is (01698) 754989.

Contraceptive Services

All our doctors and Practice Nurse provide contraceptive advice and this can be discussed at any routine appointment. 

Alternatively, you can contact the Lanarkshire Family Planning/Sexual Health clinic. Their website is and appointments can be booked online or by phone on 0300 303 0251. 

Chronic Disease Clinic

People suffering from Diabetes, Heart Disease, Strokes, Epilepsy, Asthma or Chronic Bronchitis (COPD) – will be invited a minimum of annually to a check-up clinic.  This is an important way of checking up on the management of these important conditions.

An assessment will be made of height, weight, blood pressure and, where appropriate, specific breathing or blood tests.


At the Practice we keep a register of any patients who may care for a family member this enables us to offer any advice required.  We also offer ‘Health Assessments where you make a routine appointment are given a basic Health Check including BP, Height, Weight etc.  If you suffer from Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Asthma, COPD or Epilepsy you can make a Chronic Disease appointment.                                                                                                                                   


NHS Lanarkshire now provides the immunisation/vaccination service and you will be contacted by them.  The Practice no longer holds any vaccines.

Cervical Smear Clinic

Appointments for Cervical Smears can be booked with our Practice Nurse. In Scotland, women are called for smears between the ages of 25 and 64 years.  You will receive an invitation through the post and we would strongly encourage you to attend.  For more information please see

Urine Samples

It is now practice policy that we do not accept urine samples unless they have been requested by the doctor or the nurse.  Reception staff will ask you why you are handing in the sample.

Women aged over 16 years who are NOT allergic to TRIMETHOPRIM should attend the pharmacy to obtain treatment for a urine infection.

All other women, including those who are pregnant, men and children will require an appointment and will be managed by the practice.

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