If you have an active Patient Services account and you wish to place a prescription order, please click here
NEW: PRESCRIPTION ORDERING SERVICEWe are changing the way that you order your prescriptions online. From Friday 28th February 2025, you will not be able to order prescriptions the way you have done, through our website. Instead, you need to create a Patient Services Account, and order your prescriptions through an external platform. To register for this service, please email: ppmc@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk and provide the following information: - Your full name- Your Date of Birth- Your email address- Your mobile telephone number Following registration at the practice, you will receive an email directly from Patient Services with information you require to finalise and set up your account (PLEASE CHECK ALL OF YOUR EMAIL FOLDERS, INCLUDING SPAM & JUNK FOR THIS EMAIL). If you have any concerns or problems following registration, please contact practice staff for assistance. |
Please do not telephone the surgery to find out if your prescription is ready for collection.
Please wait 4 full days before going to your nominated Pharmacy.
Repeat prescriptions can be ordered in the following ways:
- In writing we prefer requests in writing to minimise potential confusion or errors. Please allow 4 full days as all prescriptions are now sent to your preferred pharmacy.
- By phone: Only for those who are housebound or who have prior permission - telephone in for repeat prescriptions Monday - Friday 8.30am till 12 noon on (01698) 284353 and choose option 3
- Online: Please follow the instructions given above.
Items will be added to your repeat prescription list when the doctor judges that to be suitable and normally you will receive 2 months supply at a time. Certain items (e.g. antidepressants, skin preparations, or drugs being adjusted) are not issued routinely on a repeat basis as there is a need to monitor their effect closely. These are issued on a ‘special request’ basis and the doctor checks the prescription request carefully. You may be asked to attend to discuss such a treatment.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.
Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.